Church Events
In addition to fellowship activities within our Small Groups, there are many church-wide events and special worship services held each year. Visitors from the community are always welcome to join us! This page gives an overview of the typical events we include each year. Keep an eye on our Calendar for dates and details.
Bingo Night
In the winter, APC game lovers of all ages gather for games of Bingo with prizes in Fellowship Hall.
Children’s Ash Wednesday Dinner and Service
To begin the season of Lent, children and their families gather for a Pancake Dinner, followed by hands-on Lenten activities and the imposition of ashes.
Ash Wednesday Service
We begin the season of Lent with a special worship service and the imposition of ashes.
Easter Egg Hunt
Children (toddlers through 5th grade) enjoy an age-divided hunt and bouncy houses on the church lawn.
Holy Week and Easter Services
Worship services include: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday Communion, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise Communion at 7 am in our outdoor chapel, and Easter worship services at 9:30 & 11 am in the sanctuary.
Adult Mission Trips
APC adults and teens with a parent have the opportunity to offer assistance to and get to know people in impoverished communities around the world. We often send teams to Haiti with La Gonave Partners, and Kenya, Africa, with Habitat Aid Initiative.
Mission Day of Service
An afternoon of hands on projects for all ages benefitting our mission partners.
Church Picnic
Bring a side dish to share as we enjoy a spring picnic and games on the lawn together after worship.
Youth Sunday
Youth take leading roles in worship and we celebrate our high school and college graduates with a special slideshow.
Youth Mission Trips
APC’s youth travel to serve others in the Southeast each summer, and internationally every three years.
Vacation Bible School
APC welcomes hundreds of community children each summer for a week of Bible stories, song and dance, arts and crafts, sports and snacks.
Blessing of the Backpacks
Students of all ages bring their backpacks into worship for a blessing from our pastors, helping them start the school year with special prayers.
World Communion Sunday
APC join with the Spanish-speaking Centro Familiar Cristiano congregation for a 10:30am outdoor worship followed by a soup and bread lunch in Fellowship Hall.
Children’s Sunday
APC’s children play a leading role in worship on this special Sunday.
Blessing of the Animals
Bring your furry family members to the front church lawn for a treat and a blessing from APC’s pastors.
Kirkin o’ the Tartans
APC celebrates the Presbyterian church’s Scottish roots with bagpipes and a parade of tartan banners–an old tradition of recognizing the providence and sovereignty of God.
Trunk or Treat
Children in costumes enjoy visiting decorated car trunks in APC’s back parking lot for sweet treats.
Advent Craft Fair
Church members of all ages gather in Fellowship Hall to make Christmas ornaments and other Advent-themed crafts in celebration of the season.
Christmas Music Service
APC’s music ministry shines during the Christmas season with special performances by our choirs and guest instrumentalists.
Christmas Pageant
O come all ye angels….and donkeys, and wise men! Children, youth and adults in costume act out the familiar nativity story.
Christmas Eve Services
Worship services include a Children’s Service at 3:30 pm, two services of Candlelight and Carols at 5 & 7 pm, and an 11 pm Candlelight Communion service.