We love children at APC!
Our Children’s Ministry team considers it a joy to partner with families whose children are growing in faith. We offer nursery care, Sunday School, special events and fun activities to make all children (babies through 5th grade) feel at home in our church family.
—Infant Nursery (0-24 months)
—Toddler Nursery (ages 2-3)
—Available Sunday mornings, 9:15am – 1:15 pm, and as needed for church events.
—Professionally staffed; renovated space
Worship Play Time
During APC’s 11 am worship service, after the Children’s Moment, younger children are invited to come to the church nursery for supervised play time. Parents may pick up their children after worship. Children are also welcome to remain in the pews with their parents during the entire worship service.
Children’s Sunday School
—9:30-10:30 am on Sunday mornings during the school year
—Classes for Preschool through 5th grade
—Summer Sunday School is offered at 9:30am in June and July
Children’s Choir and Cherub Choir
—10:20-10:50 am rehearsals on Sunday mornings during the school year
—Performances during worship services
—Children’s Choir (1st-5th grade) led by Riley Schreer.
—Cherub Choir (ages 3-5)
Club 45
Club 45 is a ministry for preteens in 4th and 5th grades, bridging the gap from elementary to teen years and providing a safe place to experience faith and community. Club 45 generally meets monthly on Sunday evenings during the school year from 5:30-7:30 pm for fellowship, spiritual growth, and FUN!
Vacation Bible School
Each summer, APC opens its doors to hundreds of children from the community for a fun-filled week of Bible stories, singing and dancing, arts and crafts, science, snacks, and outdoor games. Visit our VBS page to learn more.
Special Annual Events
APC Children’s Service
Advent Family Workshop
Christmas Pageant
Ash Wednesday Pancake Dinner & Children’s Service
Palm Sunday Fair
Easter Egg Hunt
Worship & Sacraments Class
Vacation Bible School
Blessing of the Backpacks
Trunk or Treat
At APC, we create a safe and secure environment for each child. All leaders and volunteers complete a mandatory child safety training that includes a background check. We also have a secure check-in and check-out system each Sunday.