Make a Pledge

“Now faith is the assurance of what is hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”  –Hebrews 11:1


Take a Leap of Faith with APC!

Your annual pledge allows church leaders to plan and create a 2024 budget as we look forward with anticipation to a new year of ministry. To notify the APC Finance Office of your intended total pledge for 2024, you may send an email to APC Finance Manager Laura Moore. Other ways of making your pledge are detailed below. All pledges are kept confidential and you may revise your pledge at any time by contacting the church finance office. If possible, please make your pledge by the end of November, 2023.

Participation in the life and work of the church is another important way to take a leap of faith. To learn about volunteer opportunities, please visit our Ways to Volunteer page.

As always, thank you for your generous and faithful support of the mission and ministries of Alpharetta Presbyterian Church!


To make your 2024 pledge online through REALM, APC’s membership portal:

  1. Go to and sign in using your member login. Contact the church office if you need another invitation to join REALM.
  2. Click Giving on the main menu.
  3. Click + Pledge, enter your pledge information, and save.
  4. The same page also provides the opportunity to set up online giving in REALM if you should wish to do so.
  5. Please note that REALM works best using the Chrome browser on an updated tablet or desktop instead of a phone—to make sure you are seeing all of the information on the screen.


To mail your 2024 pledge to the church office:

Download a 2024 Pledge Card, fill it out, and mail it to:  APC Finance Office, 180 Academy St., Alpharetta, GA 30009