Calendar Highlights

Full Church Calendar

For an extensive list of meetings and events currently scheduled at APC, view our full calendar on the Calendar Scheduling page.

Calendar Highlights

Below you will find a list of highlights from our current church calendar. Feel free to drop in one of our classes or come enjoy an event. All are welcome! If you have questions about an event, contact the church office, 770-751-0033.

December 6-22

“Little Women: the Musical” by ACT1 Theater
Fri/Sat 7:30pm; Sundays 2pm. Enjoy a musical version of Louisa May Alcott’s beloved family tale featuring the adventures of the March sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, and full of hope, personal discovery, heartache and love. Tickets on sale now at 

Sunday, December 8

Children’s Christmas Pageant
9:30am worship in the sanctuary. APC’s children enact the Nativity story during this cherished APC tradition. All children are encouraged to participate—-wear your own costume or borrow one of ours. We would love to have lots of Marys, Josephs, shepherds, angels, wise men and barn animals! There will be a rehearsal on Sunday, December 1, from 9:30-10:50am in the gym.

Sunday, December 8

Christmas Cookie Buffet
10:30am in Fellowship Hall. Calling all bakers! Bring a couple dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies to share with the congregation. It’s always fun to see the variety! The Christmas Cookie Buffet will be our hospitality offering between services and will also serve as a reception for the children after the Christmas Pageant at 9:30am. 

Sunday, December 8

2nd Sunday of Advent Worship
11:00am in the sanctuary. Join us to light the candle of PEACE on the Advent wreath. 

Sunday, December 8

Alpharetta Community Chorus Concert
3:00pm in the sanctuary. Enjoy beautiful choral performances during the ACC’s annual holiday concert. The concert is free and open to the public, but a $20 donation is appreciated. Learn more about the Alpharetta Community Chorus here.

Sunday, December 8

New Member Christmas Party
5-7pm at the Wagner’s home. Senior Pastor Ollie Wagner and his wife Heather will host this festive gathering for church members who joined in 2024.

Wednesday, December 13

All-Stars BBQ Lunch & Christmas Party
11:30am in Fellowship Hall. All adults are invited to join the All-Stars for a BBQ lunch catered by ‘Cue ($20/person) and a Christmas sock exchange. Bring a wrapped pair of Christmas or fluffy socks for the game and wear your Christmas sweaters! Please register and pay by Thursday, December 5 in Realm using this link.

Saturday, December 14

Parents’ Shopping Spree
11am-2pm. Parents, drop your kids off at APC for pizza and a Christmas movie (wear pjs!) while you finish your holiday shopping. Hosted by APC’s Children’s Ministry. Kids must be potty-trained. $7 per kid; please register in Realm.

Sunday, December 15

3rd Sunday of Advent Worship
9:30am in the Theater upstairs. Join us for worship and to light the pink candle of JOY on the Advent wreath. We will be in the Theater for this service while musicians rehearse in the sanctuary for the Christmas Music Service at 11am.

Sunday, December 15

Christmas Music Service
11am in the sanctuary. APC’s full music ministry presents “The Characters of Christmas” with handbells, choral performances and guest brass instrumentalists. All are invited to enjoy beautiful sounds of the season. A festive reception will follow the service in Fellowship Hall. 

Sunday, December 15

Open Arms Advent Celebration
4:30pm in the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Join our Open Arms Ministry families and students with special needs to celebrate the season with adaptive worship, food and crafts.

Sunday, December 15

Youth Group Christmas Party
5:30-7:30pm. Middle and high school youth, wear your tacky Christmas sweaters and enjoy a gift swap and holiday-themed food and games. 

December 18 & 19

APC Dayschool Christmas Program
11:30am in the sanctuary. APC Dayschool students will share holiday songs and merriment with their guests, then enjoy a reception in Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday, December 18

Longest Night Service
5:00pm in the sanctuary. Even in times of joy, we can feel weary, depleted and in search of a hope to pull us up and guide us forward. Join us to name our grief and look for hope beyond the hope of our everyday lives. Stay for cookies and conversation in Fellowship Hall after the service. All are welcome.

Sunday, December 22

4th Sunday of Advent Worship
9:30 & 11:00am in the sanctuary. Join us to light the candle of LOVE on the Advent wreath and receive the Christmas Joy Offering. No Sunday school (for children/youth) or Youth Group.

Sunday, December 22

EPIC Casual Worship & Holiday Meal
5:30pm in the sanctuary. Experience APC’s casual worship service with praise music and interactive discussions. Kids are welcome! After worship, walk over to Fellowship Hall to enjoy a holiday meal together. ($5)

Tuesday, December 24

Christmas Eve Services
3:30pm  Children’s Service.  Designed for younger children and their families. Celebrate the birth of Jesus with the Christmas story in the sanctuary. No nursery care.

5:00pm  Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols.  We will enjoy scripture readings, beautiful music, a Christmas message and the signing of “Silent Night” by candlelight. Nursery care provided for infants through age 5. This service will be livestreamed. Please note that the 5pm service is our most heavily attended, so come early to get a seat.

7:00pm  Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols. Nursery care provided for infants through age 5. We will enjoy scripture readings, beautiful music, a Christmas message and the singing of “Silent Night” by candlelight.

11:00pm  Candlelight Communion Service.  Welcome Christmas at midnight with candlelight and carols as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. No nursery care for this service.

Sunday, December 29

Sunday Worship
9:30 & 11:00am. Join us for Christmas carols and worship on the Sunday after Christmas Day. No Sunday school (for children/youth) or Youth Group on December 29.

Sunday, January 5

Sunday Worship (Epiphany observed)
9:30 & 11:00am. Journey with the wise men as we observe Epiphany in worship. We will hand out 2025 “star words” to inspire your personal devotions.