Calendar Highlights

Full Church Calendar

For an extensive list of meetings and events currently scheduled at APC, view our full calendar on the Calendar Scheduling page.

Calendar Highlights

Below you will find a list of highlights from our current church calendar. Feel free to drop in one of our classes or come enjoy an event. All are welcome! If you have questions about an event, contact the church office, 770-751-0033.

March 14-30

“A Little Princess” by ACT1 Theater
Fridays/Saturdays, 7pm and Sundays 2pm in APC’s Theater. Tickets on sale at

Wednesday, March 26

Open House at Lionheart Cottage
9am-7pm at the white cottage next to Academy Street on APC’s property. Come shop for seasonal gifts and handcrafted artisan items created by the students in the Lionheart Works program ( Enjoy a King of Pops treat while you shop (12:45-7pm).

Presbyterian Church USA

Sunday, March 30

Healing & Wholeness Services
9:30 & 11am. Join in worship as we place an emphasis on healing and wholeness including anointing with oil for those who choose to participate.

Presbyterian Church USA

Monday, March 31

Vacation Bible School Registration Opens
Kids, don’t miss the most fun week of summer!  “Road Trip” VBS will be held July 14-18 and registration opens at 10:00am on March 31 for APC church members and existing APC Dayschool families. Registration will open to the general public on Tuesday, April 1, at 10:00am. Visit for details and registration links.

Presbyterian Church USA

Tuesday, April 1

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
8-9am in Fellowship Hall. Join Pastor Wagner and other men of the church for a full breakfast ($10 donation) and a time for fellowship and prayer. 

Saturday, April 5

Elder Care Support Group
10am-12pm in Room 205. If you are caring for an elderly loved one, our group provides support and resources. Contact Rev. Dr. Beverly Markham for more details.

Wednesday, April 9

All-Stars Trip to Savoy Automobile Museum
APC’s fellowship group for older adults invites you to join them for a visit to the Savoy Automobile Museum in Cartersville. There are limited spots on the church bus which will depart APC at 9:30am on April 9. To reserve a bus spot ($5/person), contact Jerome Conway. Otherwise, meet the group in Cartersville. Museum admission is $17 and lunch is available on-site.

Saturday, April 12

Property Work Day
8am-12pm. Your help would be greatly appreciated as we spruce up the church property and buildings for Holy Week and the spring season. We will have tasks for all ages and abilities.

Sunday, April 13

Palm Sunday – Holy Week Begins
9:30 & 11am. Our children will lead palm parades during both worship services as we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry in Jerusalem and begin our journey through Holy Week. 

Monday, April 14

APC Book Club
6pm in Room 205. All readers are welcome to join our discussion of “The Lost Bookshop” by Evie Woods. View our 2025 reading list on our Small Groups page.

Tuesday, April 15

Culinary Crew
6-8pm in APC’s kitchen. Come help us prepare and freeze meals that can be shared with people who could use a bit of help getting a meal on the table. All cooks and helpers welcome!

Thursday, April 17

Maundy Thursday Meal & Worship with Communion
We will gather around tables in Fellowship Hall on Maundy Thursday to remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples as our journey through Holy Week continues. Our meal will begin at 6pm and worship (also around the tables) will begin around 6:45pm. Join us to break bread together and observe Holy Communion.

Friday, April 18

Good Friday Service
12pm in the Sanctuary. We remember Jesus’ crucifixion during this solemn service of readings, contemplation and music.

Saturday, April 19

Open Arms Easter Service
4:30-5:30pm in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. We welcome our friends with special needs and their families to join us for adaptive worship, Easter crafts and treats. Contact Lara Moore to learn more.

Easter Sunday, April 20

Easter Sunrise Outdoor Communion Service
7:00am in our outdoor prayer chapel. Gather with us under the trees as we greet Easter morning with worship and communion. We have lots of benches, but you may want to bring lawn chairs just in case. 

Easter Sunday, April 20

Easter Worship Services
9:30 & 11am in the Sanctuary. Alleluia! Join us to celebrate the risen Christ on Easter morning with beautiful flowers and guest brass instrumentalists in worship. We will offer light refreshments in Fellowship Hall from 10:30-11am. 

Saturday, April 26

Open Arms Bowling
4:30-7pm at Bowlero in Roswell. APC’s Open Arms Ministry offers an evening of bowling fun for our friends with special needs. Contact Lara Moore to RSVP by the Tuesday before bowling.