Care & Serve
Sharing God’s love daily…
with those in need of comfort or care.
Prayer Concerns
We are happy to pray for those in your life who are experiencing difficult times or perhaps celebrating a joy. If you would like to share a prayer concern with us, please send an email to our Associate Pastor, Dr. Beverly Markham, including the name of the person concerned and a brief description of specific needs so that our pastors may know how to pray for him or her. Please let us know if you would like your prayer concern to be shared in our weekly Prayer Concerns email which is sent to prayer groups within the church. Also, please include your contact information if you would like for one of our pastors to contact you directly about your concern.
Pastor Visits
APC’s pastors enjoy visiting new babies, sharing a prayer in a hospital room with someone facing surgery, or celebrating the sacrament of Communion at home with those who are unable to participate in worship. Please contact the church office to let us know what’s going on in your family so that our pastors may best support you. 770-751-0033, .
APC Deacons
APC’s Deacons lead us in ministries of sympathy, compassion, service and hospitality. They provide visits to those who are hospitalized and seeking companion care, as well as the following ministries:
Meals to Heal: providing frozen homemade meals for those recovering or in need.
Transportation: providing rides to and from church events, worship, and doctor’s appointments.
Helping Hands Ministry: providing help with small household tasks and projects.
To learn more, contact Dr. Beverly Markham.
Open Arms Ministry
APC’s Open Arms Ministry is committed to making our church a welcoming and accessible place of worship and Christian education for individuals of all abilities. Learn more about our Special Needs Ministry here.
Elder Care Support Group
Are you caring for an elderly person in your life? Join us as we share our struggles and support each other. Our group often welcomes special guests to inform us of various issues and services related to the elderly. Meetings are held on the 1st Saturday of the month from 10:30am-12pm in Room 205 at APC. Contact Martha Frutchey.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
3rd Tuesdays, 11am-12pm in the Lower Church Lobby
A group of dedicated ladies gather monthly to enjoy conversation while they knit and crochet baby items, lap robes and prayer shawls for members of the congregation and community who are in need of care or comfort. You need not be an experienced knitter—newbies are welcome! Contact Mary Rogovin.
Living Prayer Group
This small group of kind souls gathers each week on Wednesdays to carefully read over APC’s prayer concerns and pray intentionally and specifically for each person on the list. Contact Fran Mosher.
Prayer Labyrinth
Our prayer labyrinth is located in the rear of our property, where the quiet sounds of birdsong and wind in the trees are your companions as you walk the contemplative labyrinth path or simply sit on a bench to enjoy a peaceful moment.
Memorial Garden
APC’s Memorial Garden with its splashing fountain and beautiful flowers is a space of remembrance, prayer, small worship gatherings, and the interment of ash remains. For more information, contact Dr. Ollie Wagner.