Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts:
In response to the widespread devastation and suffering caused by Hurricane Helene, here are some things you can do to help with recovery efforts:
Pray for those impacted and those helping with the recovery.
Give to APC at this link and designate your gift by choosing the “Presbyterian Disaster Assistance” fund from the drop-down menu. PDA is offering relief in all states affected by the storm.
To help residents in the Augusta, Georgia, area, APC is now accepting donations of non-perishable food items in the collection bins located in or near Fellowship Hall. Please bring your donations by 5pm this Sunday, October 6.
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam. The Lord Almighty is with us.” –from Psalm 46
Volunteer Sign-Up Links
APC Deacons:
- Sunday Morning Greeters: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054aaca722a6fb6-20194
- Sunday Morning Flower Delivery: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054aaca722a6fb6-20211
Sanctuary Sound Booth and AV Operators:
- Sound Booth / AV Scheduling: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090D4BACAE2AA1FD0-apcav
- Contact: Katie Millican, Director of Communications
Open Arms Volunteers:
- Volunteer to help on Sunday mornings in our Sunday school class for those with special needs: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AACAE2EA7F4C43-volunteer
- Contact Open Arms Director Lara Wagner Moore.
How Can I Make a Difference Today?
Cook a Meal or Share a Ride
Would you be able to occasionally cook a meal or offer a ride to medical or other appointments for a church member who needs help? Contact Rev. Beverly Markham.
Clean Out Your Closet and donate gently used clothing and accessories:
- Ladies suits/work clothing: Presbyterian Women collecting for Dress for Success
Donation rack is in the ladies restroom across from the church office. - Gently used women’s clothing, shoes, accessories: The Drake Closet
Locations in Roswell, Alpharetta, and Sandy Springs. - Used clothing and goods of all sorts: NFCC Thrift Store
Help a Child with APC’s Whiz Kids tutoring program
Volunteer an hour of your week to tutor children in our community who need special one-on-one attention. Contact Sue White.
Be a Host to families temporarily experiencing homelessness
Three or four times a year APC turns classrooms into bedrooms to house guests through Family Promise of N. Fulton/Dekalb. Help us set up or take down rooms, make a meal or help children with homework. Contact Shannon Pickerel.
Be Theatrical with ACT1 Theater
Volunteers of all sorts are needed: set builders and painters, seamstresses and makeup artists, desktop publishers and marketers, musicians, and actors. Contact Virginia Mann.
Join a Committee
Any church member or visitor is welcome to help out on a church committee. We welcome your ideas and input! Contact the church office.
Garden by planting and watering the beautiful plants and flowers in our Memorial Garden, our Prayer Labyrinth, and around the church grounds. Contact Sharon Bean.
Be Musical with our choirs, handbells, or instrumentalists. We welcome new choir members and those wishing to help behind the scenes. Contact Drew Bowers.
Share your warm smile at APC’s Welcome Desk! One Sunday each month, help greet visitors, share information and help them find their way around our building. Contact Dot Van Dyke.
Become an Usher
Once a month you can help greet folks in worship with a smile and a bulletin, and help collect the offering. Contact Jennifer Autian or sign up on our SignUp Genius to volunteer for either the 9:30 or 11:00am service.
Knit or crochet with APC’s Prayer Shawl group, which meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. We create baby items, lap robes and shawls for those in need of care or comfort. Newbies are welcome! Contact Mary Rogovin.
Teach Sunday School
Adult, youth and children’s classes can always use a few good teachers! You can volunteer on a monthly basis, or as a substitute to help out when needed. Contact Dr. Beverly Markham if you are interested in leading an adult education class. Contact Daniel McKemey for Youth Sunday School (6-12 grades). Contact Kristin Hicks for Children‘s Sunday School (PreK-5th grades).
Have adventures with APC Youth and Children
Become a youth adviser, confirmation mentor, volunteer with Club 45 (our ministry for 4th & 5th graders), go on a summer mission trip or help with summer Vacation Bible School. The opportunities for fun and adventure are endless! To become an “approved volunteer” with APC Youth and Children contact Kristin Hicks.
Enjoy taking pictures of church events in our Photographers Pool. Contact Katie Millican.
Organize and socialize through our Fellowship Committee. We welcome party planners, decorators, cooks, and good ideas! Contact Katie Millican.