Welcome to APC Youth Ministry!
We offer many opportunities for middle and high school youth to come together and share God’s love through games and laughter, prayer and study, mission and service work. Join us—all are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Susan Baur.
Sunday School
—Sunday mornings, 9:30-10:30 am, during the school year
—Middle school and high school youth (grades 6-12) meet in the Youth Lounge. Along with adult leaders, our youth generate conversation and discussions about faith and how to apply it to real life.
Youth Group
—Sunday evenings, 5:30-7:30 pm, during the school year
—Middle and high school youth join together each Sunday evening in the youth rooms upstairs for a casual meal and activities such as movie nights, game nights, small group discussions, and mission projects. We roast s’mores over campfires, have intense egg hunts, go bowling and scavenger hunting, travel for corn mazes and river floats and more. Join us and bring a friend!
—Youth may check the Youth GroupMe and Youth Instragram page “alpharettapresyouth” for the most up to date information as well.
8th Grade Confirmation
APC’s 8th grade students spend several weeks exploring the history and traditions of the Christian faith, as well as looking within to discern their own special place in the great story of God’s creation, guided by pastors, teachers, and mentors. On Joining Sunday, members of the Confirmation class profess their faith and join the church as full members.
Summer Mission Trips
APC youth enjoy rolling up their sleeves and being God’s hands in the world. Each summer, our youth participate in service trips in the southeastern United States, and every three years, our high school youth take an international trip. During the summer of 2024, our middle school youth will travel to Charlotte, North Carolina, to spend a week in urban ministry with Myers Park Presbyterian’s CROSS Ministries. Our high school youth will spend a week in New Bern, NC, working with Craven Country Disaster Recovery Alliance to re-build hurricane-damaged homes.
Youth Choir
Open to all youth musicians in grades 6-12, APC’s youth voice ensemble meets on Sundays from 4:45-5:30 pm in the Choir Room (101) with occasional performances during worship throughout the year.
Contact Riley Schreer to learn more about APC’s Youth Choir.