Elders & Deacons
ELDERS: 2025 Session
Clerk of Session: Polly Hyatt
Treasurer: Rob Vacko
Moderator: Dr. Ollie Wagner
Children’s Ministry: Katherine Heyen (25), Jodee Stevens (25), Lily Womack (27)
Fellowship: Beth Hudson (26), Derek Scheidt (26)
Membership: Bob Cookson (25), Lee Porter (27)
Mission: Tom Gould (27), Lynn Tinley (27)
Nominating: Susan Smith (27), Polly Hyatt (26)
Personnel: Joe Hellrung (25), Beth Hudson (26)
Property: Tyler Moore (26), Woody Cannon (26)
Spiritual Growth: Rick Bogda (27), Russ Thomas (25)
Stewardship: Arthur Colby (26), Collin Webb (27)
Worship: Jen Autian (25), John Plocic (27)
Youth Ministry: Candice Davis (26), Allison Liu (26), Jack Brogan (26)
APC’s Deacons serve in areas of compassion and care to members of our congregation and community.
Moderators: Lindsey Bray and Sally Caudle
Tom Allison
Anna Anton
Ann Bogda
Yvonne Chrimes
Barb Denney
Eric Dummer
Pam Forcier
Cyndy Franklin
Barbara Ghent
Chuck Ghent
Laura Griffith
Nancy Hathy
Tim Hathy
Vickie Hyde
Jeffrey Jackson
Mary Nelson
Sue Nelson
Chris Norris
Tracy Norris
Sophie Sabaj-Griffith
Perry Smyre
Katie Swinford
Jeanne Wolf
Kat Zagoria